Monday, March 21, 2011

Rebecca Black Asks Justin Bieber (Would You Sing a Duet With Me) VIDEO


Not only did Rebecca Black have the opportunity to defend her song “Friday” on Good Morning America this morning, but she also got the chance to ask Justin Bieber a question.

Love her or hate her, it’s possible you may have one thing in common with 13-year-old Rebecca Black — Bieber Fever.

Rebecca has even beat Bieber on the iTunes Top 100 chart now!

“Do you have a message for Justin right now,” Good Morning America asked Rebecca.

“Justin, if you’re watching this right now, would you do a duet with me?” she asked The Biebs. “That would be just unreal — it would make my life!”

So far Justin hasn’t given Rebecca an answer, but we’ll keep you posted!

Watch Rebecca’s message to Bieber below!